
Food journalism festival

2018 the year of Italian food. But what food policies for the next legislature?

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Roberto Moncalvo | National President Coldiretti; Luigi Pio Scordamaglia | Federalimentare President; Gian Carlo Caselli | President of the Scientific Committee of the Observatory on Crime in Agriculture and the Agri-food System; Gaetano Pascale | Slow Food Italy President; Marco Pedroni | President of Coop Italia; Maria Caramelli | Director of the Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d'Aosta; Umberto Agrimi | College of Health; Franca Braga | Food and Health Manager Altroconsumo; Elena Di Bella | Metropolitan city of Turin
Moderators: Luca Ferrua | The print
Schedule: 9.30 - 11.40

In recent years, the great theme of food, with all its forms, has become central to the political agenda. A crucial game is being played around this issue for the next Parliament and the next Government


Lingotto Congress Center
Via Nizza 280 - 10126 TURIN


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