
Food journalism festival

Giulia Varetti

Name: Giulia
Last name: Varetti
Business: communicator

Freelancer, licensed tourist guide for the provinces of Vercelli, Novara and Pavia with an irrepressible passion for the story of the territory in its landscape, cultural and enogastronomic aspects. After a degree in History of Art and Archeology and a Masters in Journalism and Communication, from 2008 I deal with the cultural columns of Radio City The Radio of Eastern Piedmont, of guided tours between Piedmont and Lombardy with audiences of all ages, of coordination of the activities of the multimedia rice museum of Casalbeltrame and promotion on social media of museums, monuments, accommodation facilities and cultural associations.


Lingotto Congress Center
Via Nizza 280 - 10126 TURIN


Tel. + 39.334.7622059
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