
Food journalism festival



The practical workshops of the Festival will be held on Thursday 21 and on Friday 22 February at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra.

Access to the laboratories is free but booking is required by sending an email with your preferences and indicating your telephone number to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The laboratories are realized with the collaboration of: Chemical Laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, the Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont Liguria and Valle d'Aosta, INALPI, the Consortium for the Protection of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, the Centrale del Latte di Torino , the Eurofishmarket Association, Assoittica Italia and FoodLab.



12 and 12,30 hours - The senses of milk

A laboratory for sensory analysis of milk, proposed by la Centrale del Latte di Torino with the collaboration of Giuseppe Zeppa, Full Professor at the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences of the University of Turin. Participants will try to analyze 3 typologies: High Quality fresh milk, ESL (Extended Shelf Life) milk and UHT (long-life) milk. Using the senses of sight, smell and taste, they will discover the characteristics and sensory differences of each of the types examined.

14 and 14,30 hours - ANISAKIS: when is it seen?

In recent years there have been numerous awareness campaigns related to the correct consumption of raw or similar fish products. During the workshop the participants will carry out, together with the experts, the search for the parasite Anisakis in some fish species. Laboratory held by Eurofishmarket. with Valentina Tepedino, Veterinarian specialized in Inspection of fish products.


15,15 Hours - MILK. Flavors and secrets.

The historic Piedmontese dairy Inalpi proposes a "tasting" of fresh milk, UHT milk, powdered milk from its own factories. Participants will be able to learn about the organoleptic characteristics of the different products and choose their choice. The workshop will be curated by Matteo Torchio, Inalpi Marketing and Communication Manager.


16,30 and 17,00 hours - GlutenFree? Hunting for allergens.

How to distinguish products gluten free from those in which gluten is present even only minimally? The Chemical Laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, in two quick and rotating appointments, will provide information on the topic of food safety, in particular on the labeling in case of allergens or ingredients that cause intolerances. Edited by Katia Leggio, Dietitian and Food Technology.



10 Hours - The secrets of butter.

Organized by Inalpi, the laboratory will talk about an excellence such as butter, its various processes (centrifuge, surfacing, from whey, salted butter) and its use in the Italian confectionery industry. A final tasting of the various types is planned and all participants will be given the volume as a gift "Knowing the butter", by Renzo Pellati. Speakers: Matteo Torchio Marketing and Communication Manager of Inalpi.


11 Hours - Labeling and fish products: guidelines.

A workshop organized by Assoittica Italy to orient themselves in the national and community legislation that governs the traceability of the fish product, through the production and transfer of data between the various players in the supply chain to define a valid recognition system that allows the flow of information to follow the product until the sale at the detail.


11,30 Hours - Healthy like a fish.

Fish, the basic food of the Mediterranean diet, provides the body with precious nutrients including omega 3, high biological value proteins, mineral salts, mono and polyunsaturated fats. All elements that can bring benefits to the cardiovascular system, lower cholesterol "bad" and triglycerides and increase good cholesterol levels. The laboratory, organized by Assoittica Italy, will highlight the nutritional aspects of fish products.


12 and 16.30 hours - BUFFALO? Yes, Bell DOP.

A journey to discover the Mozzarella di Bufala DOP, led by Gennaro Testa, head of the promotion sector of the Consortium for the Protection of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP. History, origins, organoleptic characteristics of this dairy excellence, to learn to recognize it, preserve it and enjoy it to the fullest. Final tasting of the various types.

14 and 14,30 hours - Good bacteria or bad bacteria?

The Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta will set up a food safety laboratory. The technicians, who carry out microbiological analyzes on food every day, will help to discover which micro-organisms appear on the culture media and how it is possible to identify them and recognize the good ones (useful) from the bad ones (pathogens for the consumer).

15,15 hours and 15,45 hours - Not just smoke ...

What could be the most indicative parameters of a quality smoked salmon? Through images, videos but also tastings of different types of this fish, the experts will guide the participants to distinguish the different processing systems to obtain a quality product. Edited by Eurofishmarket. Speakers include Valentina Tepedino, veterinary surgeon specializing in Inspection of fish products and Giampaolo Ghilardotti, chef and ADM of FoodLab.



Lingotto Congress Center
Via Nizza 280 - 10126 TURIN


Tel. + 39.334.7622059
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