
Sala Cavour


Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Schedule: 9.00 - 9.30
Vincenzo Ilotte President of the Turin Chamber of Commerce Elisabetta Barberis Vice Rector of the University of Turin Sergio Chiamparino President of the Piedmont Region Chiara Appendino Mayor of Turin

2018 the year of Italian food. But what food policies for the next legislature?

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Roberto Moncalvo | National President Coldiretti; Luigi Pio Scordamaglia | Federalimentare President; Gian Carlo Caselli | President of the Scientific Committee of the Observatory on Crime in Agriculture and the Agri-food System; Gaetano Pascale | Slow Food Italy President; Marco Pedroni | President of Coop Italia; Maria Caramelli | Director of the Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d'Aosta; Umberto Agrimi | College of Health; Franca Braga | Food and Health Manager Altroconsumo; Elena Di Bella | Metropolitan city of Turin
Moderators: Luca Ferrua | The print
Schedule: 9.30 - 11.40
In recent years, the great theme of food, with all its forms, has become central to the political agenda. A crucial game is being played around this issue for the next Parliament and for ...

Coffee break

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Schedule: 11.40 - 12.00

Blind confidence in Italian food: is it really the safest in the world?

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Gaetana Ferri | Director of hygiene and food safety and nutrition Ministry of Health; Silvio Borrello | Director of Animal Health and Veterinary Drugs Ministry of Health; Adelmo Lusi | Commander of the NAS Carabinieri; Riccardo Quintili | Test Magazine
Moderators: Natascha Lusenti | 6 RAI Radio 2 everywhere
Schedule: 12.00 - 12.50
Is the faith in made in Italy well placed? In our agriculture, in our industry, among our artisans and restaurateurs, is there always a paradise in our distribution?

From Barollo to Parmesan: when Italian food is a fals

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Luigi Cortellessa | Commander of the Carabinieri Agricultural and Food Policy; Fabrizio Galliati | President of Coldiretti Turin; Paolo Cumino | Piemonte region; Franco Biraghi | Confindustria Piemonte
Moderators: Maurizio Tropeano | The print
Schedule: 14.00 - 14.50
Between counterfeits and Italian sounding, the battle to inform about the authenticity of the most identifying products of the country's economy

Europe and food security: what the citizens know

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Flavio Fergnani | Press Office EFSA European food safety authority; Andrea Gavinelli | Head of Unit DG Santé European Commission; Luisa Crisigiovanni | Bureau européen des unions de consommateurs, Secretary General Altroconsumo; Oliviero Alotto | Slow Food Turin
Moderators: Damien O'Reilly | RTE Radio Ireland, Secretary of the European network of agriculture journalists
Schedule: 15.00 - 15.50
What is missing between regulations and alerts to make communication with consumers even more effective?

Coffee break

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Schedule: 15.50 - 16.10

Food treatises, an information battle

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Giorgio Varisco | Medical Director of the Lombardy-Emilia Romagna Zooprophylactic Institute; Cinzia Scaffidi | Slow Food; Cesare Varallo | Food law latest; Monica Di Sisto | Fair Watch
Moderators: Marco Trabucco | The Republic
Schedule: 16.10 - 17.00
Ceta and Ttip have unleashed a war of conflicting communications between those who consider them a dangerous transfer of sovereignty and food security and those who hail them as a new opportunity for ...

Milk and cheese victims of "do it yourself" information

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Andrea Pezzana | Nutritionist San Giovanni Bosco Hospital Turin; Paolo Vittone | Chemical Laboratory Chamber of Commerce; Massimo Forino | Absolute; Sara Galletti | Assalzoo; Matteo Torchio | Marketing & communication Inalpi
Moderators: Andrea Zaghi | Avvenire
Schedule: 17.10 - 18.00
Products often the subject of clichés that spread on social media and that disorient consumers

Mafias in catering and distribution. How a problem of legality and food security is represented in the media

Day: February 22
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Lorenzo Frigerio | Free Information Director; Enrico Bellavia | The Republic; Paolo Falcioni | Coldiretti Press Office Manager; Leonardo Filippi, Maurizio Franco, Maria Panariello | Morrione Prize Winners
Moderators: Mara Monti | The sun 24 hours
Schedule: 18.10 - 19.00
How much are we really talking about organized crime that invests in the last link of food, the one that comes directly to our mouth?

Food waste, information responsibility

Day: February 23
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Marco Lucchini | Food Secretary-General; Roberto Corgnati | Piemonte region; Lorenza Meucci | Smat Research Center
Moderators: Sara Zambotti | RAI Radio 2 Caterpillar
Schedule: 9.00 - 9.50
What changed the law a year later? How much do we really know about the edible food that ends up in the organic bin?

Meat facing the challenge of information

Day: February 23
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Katy Keiffer | journalist, writer, USA; Renata Pascarelli | Coop Italia; Luca Varetto | Coalvi Consortium; Graziano Scaglia | Scaglia Farm, M ** Bun
Moderators: Massimo Agostini | Agrisole, Sole 24 Ore
Schedule: 10.00 - 10.50
Transparency and quality seek space on the media

Coffee break

Day: February 23
Living room: Sala Cavour
Schedule: 10.50 - 11.10

Labels and consumers: from good intentions to confusion

Day: February 23
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Dario Dongo | Il Fatto Alimentare, Great Italian food trade; Manila Bianchi | Zooprophylactic Institute Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d'Aosta; Pietro Paganini |; Agostino Macrì | Consumers Union
Moderators: Silvia Bencivelli | Scientific journalist
Schedule: 11.10 - 11.50
Among nutritional advice, announcements of "without ..." and "does not contain ...", the public risks not understanding anything anymore

"Novel food": are we prepared to communicate new foods?

Day: February 23
Living room: Sala Cavour
Speakers: Laura Maragliano | Director of Sale & Pepe; Valeria Di Giorgi | New foods Ministry of Health; Antonio and Giuseppe Bozzaotra | Edible insect farm; Roberto Cavasin |
Moderators: Patrizio Roversi | RAI Green Line
Schedule: 12.10 - 13.00
From insects to laboratory meat: the unknown foods between costume and health information


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