
Numbers for the first edition of the Festival

See the Festival photo gallery on our Flickr profile

Two days of intense debates and lectures, seven offside events This involved 1,126 accredited visitors and 71 speakers, producing thousands of 'tweets' and "likes" on social media. These are some of the numbers for the Festival of Food Journalism, which in its first year has already seen important results. So much so that work on the second edition is already in progress, with the intention of making it an international event.

Dates to mark on your calendar ?! ... 23rd, 24th and 25th February 2017.

The foundations for the future will be built on the numbers of the first edition. We're talking about 422 journalists who attended the meetings, 152 scientific professionals, who thanks to the Festival were able to obtain ECM credits, 120 communicators and 104 food bloggers, who decided to follow the lectures and experience first hand the press tours or offside events. But also the 95 who decided to join the festival network on the web site, in order to interact and exchange information and opinions.

During the three day Festival, the @foodjournalfest official channel produced 1,547 tweets, gaining 1,137 followers and more than 250 thousand tweet views, While 1,449 were retweets. The hashtag #foodfest16 entered national Twitter trending topics during the 25th February. In the space of 4 months, the Festival Facebook page published 177 posts and reached 2,070 fans, receiving 2,746 likes and over 2,000 shares. In addition there were more than 260 thousand individual page views.


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