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  • Festival at the start. Petrini: "Food journalists? We will train them in Pollenzo"

Festival at the start. Petrini: "Food journalists? We will train them in Pollenzo"

A degree course to train new journalists in food communication. To be organized atUniversity of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo. Carlin Petrini, president and creator of Slow Food, thought about this and launched this idea from the stage of the opening conference of the Food Journalism Festival, scheduled in Turin until February 27.

Food communication is schizophrenic ", explained Petrini," and the journalists of the sector are now redefining their work: the goal is to get out of the concept according to which they are only communicators of events like Masterchef. Instead, they must realize that those who deal with food are mainly concerned with politics and sociology, in a holistic vision, which touches several branches of daily life ”.

The issues of agri-food and the importance of agricultural production in the world were at the center of Petrini's speech, who also cited the democratic candidate in the American elections Bernie Sanders: "Many people tell me: Carlin it's just you who can think that a socialist can win the elections - said Petrini - I am, however, convinced that everyone, even Hillary Clinton, should seriously consider a candidate who gets votes from young people among the 17 and 30 years thanks to a policy that aims to favor small agricultural industries in the area by supporting the fight against multinationals and international treaties". For the president of Slow Food, food policy is today one of the strategic crossroads for interpreting the future, as highlighted by the Expo slogan: "Energy for life".

"Even if theExpo was basically a festival - stressed Petrini -, the great events that he welcomed were decisive. First of all theurban food policy pact, a treaty signed by fifty mayors in the world that could mark a turning point in city policies: from the introduction of local markets, which in America are already a consolidated reality, to raising quality in school feeding ”.

di Federica Frola e Sabrina Colandrea (Futura)


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