
The Italian Food Blogger Association: food blogs are a team

It was November of the 2013 when the Italian Food Blogger Association it was officially established. An important step born of meetings, discussions, debates. With a primary objective: to promote the professional and cultural growth of the members. Its president, Anna Maria Pellegrino, will be among the guests of the Festival of Food Journalism to talk about the world of food communication, in the debate "2.0 food and wine criticism: from guides to blogs", scheduled for Thursday 25 February at 18.30.

«Mutual enrichment is fundamental, as written in our statute - comments the president, author of the blog "The kitchen of QB" - It is important to make people aware. Writing a food blog can be a passion or become a professional activity, the important thing is to give the right value to our work: there is a credibility to be built. "

From its foundation to the present, AIFB has fielded various initiatives of training for its members, with the aim of growing professionally and culturally. The association, for example, has formalized a collaboration with the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of the Venezie to talk about food safety through blogs. A project sponsored by the Ministries of Education and Health. "Forming our members is a necessity - explains Pellegrino - And we must ensure that they themselves are the first to want to upgrade ".

Another tool is i blog tour, organized with the aim of making known not only the products, but also the producers and the territory. To talk about food, culture, history and tradition. «Describing only the product would be an understatement. This is why one of our most important jobs is the 2016 Food Calendar. For each day we held a national day for a food for which a recipe is proposed, the story is told Story, an ambassador is chosen. And then all the 52 weeks of the year are dedicated to a specific theme ". The Association has also signed an agreement with the Italian Federation of Cooks to organize a new type of story, involving many chefs, not just the starred ones. One way to talk about local dishes and regional cuisine: "We would like the next step to cover the education and teaching of food ethics, which must be understood and disseminated seriously".

AIFB involves 350 associates, the 20 for one hundred men: «To register you must read the statute, share its philosophy. Those who enter represent the association and must have certain characteristics. It is true that, unlike journalists, we are not enrolled in a register and cannot be eliminated if we do not communicate well. But the network is merciless if the wrong things are written. We don't have a deontology, but we have aethics».


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