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  • Order of Journalists of Piedmont: with the sponsorship of the Festival, a new opportunity for comparison for the profession

Order of Journalists of Piedmont: with the sponsorship of the Festival, a new opportunity for comparison for the profession

The Festival of Food Journalism has obtained patronage from theOrder of Journalists of Piedmont, the Body that, by law, is responsible for ensuring the training and suitability of those accessing the profession, as well as the protection and respect for ethics.

Among the objectives of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont is to create a constructive comparison among the journalists of the territory, through the organization of meetings, courses and events able to train and inform, favoring the path of professional growth of the individual members.

Another fundamental task of the Order is promote the image of the journalist, a fundamental role within the Community, and to regulate their rights and duties, in compliance with the 2 article of law n. 69 of the 3 February 1963, which reads "It is the irrepressible right of journalists to have freedom of information and criticism, limited by the observance of the laws dictated to protect the personality of others and it is their mandatory obligation to respect the substantial truth of the facts, always observing the duties imposed by loyalty and of good faith ”.

In this perspective, events such as the Festival of Food Journalism, which aim to create an in-depth debate among professionals of the sector on current issues, fully fall within the aims pursued by the Order and, as such, are supported and promoted.


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