
Speak as you eat. Journey between words in the kitchen

Apericena, concept food, captivating tastes and flavors: in the kitchen, words come and go, they change according to fashions and contexts. Difficult to extricate yourself. On the language of food journalism the linguist and writer have concentrated Ugo Cardinal, the blogger Sara Porro and the writer Cinzia Scaffidi (Slow Food), moderated by the journalist Manuela Croci di Seven - Corriere della Sera.

The linguist the task of reconstructing the recipe of language in the kitchen. There is a "kitchen, in which Italy has a primary role". It is a mixture of "basic vocabulary" in which, however, we find "exoticisms, neologisms and loans". Just to stay on topic, there are also "words macedonia, like 'apericena'", which combines two different elements. For years, however, a bit like in journalism in general, dominates English: fast food, finger food and so on. Is it possible that there are no alternatives? "The words are renewed, this is physiological. The important thing is that when you adopt a loan you do it consciously and not thinking, erroneously, to de-provincialize us."

Blogs are very nourishing. Sara Porro recommends a playful and rigorous attitude at the same time. "Like all sectoral languages, even that of food has its specific terms. However, we must not fall into 'esotericism', that is, the language that excludes". How important is following trends? "Journalism feeds on linguistic tics rather than on fashions - replied Porro. But writing is distilled thought. One thing is technical ability, one thing is having something interesting to say".

Anyone who writes about food faces an almost impossible challenge. "You have a lot to tell - observed Cinzia Scaffidi - the smell or taste of Barolo. But if anyone who reads you has never tasted it, you will never be able to understand". And in the middle there are the words. "Some are victims of real crusades". An example? "For a certain period of time the adjective 'captivating' was combined with tastes and tastes". At one point someone decided that it was out of place "and was banned". But what really matters is rebuilding the history of words, also in relation to the context in which they are used. "In its beginnings, Slow Food was called Arcigola. In the Italian context it had a clear meaning to everyone, but when the movement became international we needed an alternative". IS Slow Food it works very well, "because it indicates a type of production and an approach".  

di Lorenzo Montanaro with Maria Teresa Giannini (Futura)


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