
A lesson on food crimes with the PM Raffaele Guariniello

Especially in recent years, i black and judicial reporters they had to deal with issues related to the world of food, among others crime and real scams. Take, for example, the case of calves treated with anabolic substances, or that of foods marketed with false expiration labels. Or the case of minced beef, but actually containing horse meat or chicken, up to that of normal olive oil, but sold as extra virgin.

A subject, therefore, delicate and extremely topical, to which the first Festival of Food Journalism he will dedicate the necessary space, thanks to an exceptional guest: the magistrate Raffaele Guariniello, which will provide its important contribution with a fully dedicated lesson. The PM, author of some of the main (even at the media level) investigations related to food crimes, including the famous one on "Mad cow", will offer an exhaustive overview, to help understand more fully this complex universe, taking into account the different dynamics and the numerous actors in the field: from the demands of justice and clarity, which come from the consumers and virtuous companies, unfortunately, wide non-application of current regulations in our country, up to the scarce diffusion, among the operators, of the interpretative principles accepted by the jurisprudence on the subject of food.

Graduated in Law at 23 years, Guariniello he obtained the lecturer in criminal procedure at the University of Turin. Cassation magistrate, has exercised, starting from the 1992, the role of Assistant Public Prosecutor at the Turin Public Prosecutor's Office. From the 2008 he was appointed Chief Vicar Prosecutor, recently abandoned due to his well-deserved retirement.


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