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  • The masked criticism: independence and marches according to Visintin

The masked criticism: independence and marches according to Visintin

The festival also had its theatrical moment, on Friday afternoon, with the arrival of the critic masked of the Corriere della Sera. Valerio Massimo Visintin, the Guy Fawkes of the fork, appeared in total black, including face, glasses and hat. After all he, the taste for la goliardia, in addition to good food, he never denied it. In this case, however, it is a necessity to make a virtue. "I don't take myself too seriously, but I work seriously. - he explained - I go to restaurants incognito, I do not present myself as a journalist. But then I am forced to disguise myself, because if one of my photos arrives on social media I can say goodbye to the unknown ”. In short, to maintain professional integrity, it is not enough to pay the dinner bill. Of course, not everyone is willing to make sacrifices of this kind, especially in times of thin cows for journalism in general ... "Free information costs - he pointed out Marco Trabucco di Repubblica - The more information is requested for free, the more it risks being conditioned ”. "The credibility of a critic should be defended by publishers, which, unfortunately, in most cases interpret this profession as a hobby ", the Visintin dose has increased. And then, it seems almost inevitable, we get to marchetta. Is the independence of criticism therefore passed off? "I believe that not only journalists, but the same newspapers can never be said to be totally independent. - concluded Trabucco - But as long as the competition is alive and there will be multiple voices from which to choose, freedom and independence of information will have a basis on which to rely ”.


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