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  • Camilla Baresani, from bloggers to "vegs" is always time to debate

Camilla Baresani, from bloggers to "vegs" is always time to debate

Baresani Writer, journalist, now also food and wine critic. He collaborates with the best Italian newspapers: da Seven a Vanity Fair, from Corriere della Sera a The Sole24Ore, from Panorama a The paper. Camilla Baresani he is a debated character who, with some of his articles, has made people talk. Famous the quarrel had with Dolce and Gabbana at the time of Sole24Ore directed by Ferruccio De Bortoli. She is the author of several books on the subject of nutrition. Between these, Wines, loves (2014) The pink salt of the Himalayas (2014) and In search of lost cocoa (2011). But it was to put it even more at the center of the cold war between food critics and food bloggers The smugglers (2015), his novel that openly criticizes the world of food. Not sparing barbs on either side. At the Festival moderates the 24 Friday meeting at 10 on the theme "children and vegan diet".


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