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Smat's public water at the Festival

L'acqua pubblica di Smat al Festival

Applied research to guarantee food safety, including water. Smat will be present at the Festival of Food Journalism to tell how science can protect water resources and therefore consumer health.

It is through its Research Center, in fact, that Smat perfects and develops projects in the field of water safety. 70 are the specialists (engineers, biologists, chemists, biotechnologists and geologists) who deal with topics such as improving treatment for purification and purification, energy saving, process automation, reuse and reuse of water on a daily basis. wastewater, the development of forecasting and management models.

In 2018, the SMAT Research Center launched a new innovative research project aimed at investigating the possible presence of microplastics in the water environment. The research, conducted in collaboration with Metropolitana Milanese and A2A Ciclo Idrico, has as its primary objectives the study and development of an adequate analytical method for the determination of microplastics in natural waters, and subsequently its application for the screening of water samples taken from the environment and from the distribution networks.

This Friday 22 February will be discussed at the 11.10 at the Sala Cavour on the occasion of the meeting "The Case of 2019: Microplastics in Food". Lorenza Meucci, head of the Smat Research Center, will speak with Giorgio Gilli of the University of Turin and Sherry Mason of Penn State Behrend at the appointment, moderated by Gabriele Beccaria, director of Tutto Scienze and Tutto Salute. As part of the Press Tour, instead, on Saturday 23 February at 10 Smat will open the Water Cathedral, offering Festival journalists the opportunity to visit the historic and suggestive Sangano spring water aqueduct.


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