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#Repartiamoinsieme, for Latterie Inalpi first national TV spot

#Ripartiamoinsieme, per Latterie Inalpi primo spot Tv nazionale

Latterie Inalpi launches its first national advertising campaign. The dairy company of Moretta (Cuneo), for the first time in its history, started in 1966, with a path that has been able to transform it from a family-run business to an industry, gives life to its first national medium campaign, with the presence a message on the Rai, Mediaset, Sky, La7 and Discovery channels.
A non-trivial choice, especially in a complex period such as the one we are experiencing, in which uncertainty for tomorrow is a strongly perceived feeling.

But Inalpi's DNA makes it a company with a strong innovative vocation, whose growth has always been characterized by choices that are as well thought out as against the trend.
And it is from this feeling that the desire to tell, right now, the last 10 years of activity, years that have been characterized by the birth and growth of the short and certified supply chain of 100% Piedmontese milk, is born, a unique model that gathers the approval of trade union organizations, the cooperative and agricultural world, some animal rights associations, but above all consumers and the main market players.

And if the willingness to tell is not accidental, the choice of the period is even less: the Inalpi message will in fact be broadcast from 26 April to 16 May 2020, right next to the holidays of April 25 and May 1, given these positions of historical and social significance for our country.

A media campaign that also wants to underline a fundamental concept, in this historical moment, summarized with the hashtag #MangiaItaliano, already promoted and subject of the Coldiretti campaign in support of Made in Italy at the table.

The moment, the choice of the message and the images will have only one goal, to tell the pride of belonging to a free land, our Piedmont, and the pride of being an active part of a bigger and more complex gear, but of great value, like our Italy. This is the time to tell and make known stories of excellence and courage, because it is from here that you can start again.

platforms chosen for the launch of the new campaign:
single-subject spot with the presentation of two product lines: Premium range and Classic range
- 35% of spots in PRIME TIME
- Over 2.500 15-second spots
- Generation of approximately 1.110 total Gross Rating Points on Target RA


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