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Turin, the University launches the master's degree in agri-food sustainability

Torino, l'Università lancia il master in sostenibilità agroalimentare

The University of Turin reproposes the first level Master in Socio-environmental sustainability of agri-food networks (MASRA), of the University of Turin, whose inscriptions will be opened by 3 September.

The master is designed for those who want to complete their university education through the acquisition of knowledge in the agri-food sector. In particular, the integrated approach to participatory planning, monitoring, evaluation and strategic management of the main impacts of the agri-food supply chain will be taught.

The acquisition of these skills will be of fundamental importance for public and private operators and for those who want to operate in small and medium-sized enterprises, in producer associations, in consortia and, thanks to the development of self-entrepreneurial skills, in the creation of micro-enterprises aimed at to the design and management of sustainable agri-food supply chains and for rural development interventions also in a landscape perspective.

In the 2017 MASRA it was inserted between the 30 2017 best practices of the International Sustainable Campus Network.

The master is established by the Department of Cultures, Policies and Society and by the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences as part of the activities of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management of the University of Turin and is aimed at new graduates or employed in possession of any Degree from the Old and New Order (I and II level).

PROGRAM: The study plan is structured in four modules: 1. Complexity and territory, 2. Analysis and design of agri-food supply chains, 3. Methods and tools, 4. Communication and marketing.

The master consists of 328 hours of lectures, n. 88 hours of alternative education, n. 350 hours of internships in the company, corresponding to a total of 68 university educational credits (CFU).

The MaSRA program is based on active teaching methods that guarantee a rigorous but interactive approach to teaching. In addition to lectures, the master's course includes workshops, case discussions, exercises, work groups, meetings with company witnesses and Italian and foreign professionals, company visits to companies and affiliated institutions.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Registration will be open from 3 September to 10 December 2018. For applications received within the 20 Novenbre 2018 a reduction of 300 Euro is envisaged on the registration fee. Pre-registration for selection is free.

COST: The registration fee for the master is equal to 3.800,00 Euro, with discount of 300 eur for registrations received by the 20 / 11. An application for accreditation of the Master was presented for the funding of INPS scholarships for the children and orphans of:

- registered in the unitary management of credit and social services;
- retired users of the civil servants management.

For those who do not have the possibility to attend the entire training course, if at the end of the class there are still seats available within the maximum number provided, it is possible to register for the individual modules of the Master:

- COMPLEXITY AND TERRITORY (16 CFU) Registration fee: € 1.200,00
- METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS (11 CFU) Registration fee: € 825,00
- COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING (11 CFU) Registration fee: € 825,00

Those enrolled in the individual modules that meet the Master's entry requirements and have passed the verification provided at the end of the Module will be issued a Certificate of attendance and certification of the relative credits obtained.
For those who do not have the requirements for access to the Master, enrollment is required for the individual modules as "auditors". At the end of the module, auditors will be exclusively issued a Certificate of attendance.

PERIOD AND LOCATION: January / February 2019-January / February 2020, lessons on Thursday afternoon, Friday (9-18) and Saturday morning. Classes will take place in the classrooms of Campus Luigi Einaudi - University of Torino (Lungo Dora Siena 100 - Turin). Some laboratories and seminars will be held at the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences in Grugliasco (TO). The internship will be held in institutions or companies in the sector.

Tel. 011 / 670.86.14 (8.30-16.30 timetable)
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