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Attention to promotions - already growing in February - skyrocketed following the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine affecting 3 out of 4 Italians, as well as concern over the price of food which rose by 12%. These are the first data collected by Engage Minds Hub, the first Italian multidisciplinary research center dedicated to the study and promotion of engagement, i.e. the active involvement of people in health behaviors and food consumption.

Despite the fears raised, the Italians do not seem to want to give up the quality of the products, which remains at a stable level and affecting a large part of the citizens. Furthermore, such concerns have no effect on the willingness to save more money, which always affects half of the population.

The outbreak of the conflict also generates other concerns in Italians, in particular 64% of Italians are afraid of possible increases in agri-food products. Furthermore, more than half of citizens are worried about possible decreases in cereal stocks and the effects it may have on imports and exports in this sector. All these fears increase among those who have a high aptitude for conspiracy and, therefore, also high paranoid traits.

The conflict is a further psychological slap in the face of Italians' perception of economic security: the perception of worsening of their financial condition increases. But the most negative assessments focus on the future of their economic condition: the share of pessimists increases, even 14% more than in May 2020, immediately after the first lockdown, despite the peak of negative assessments of Italians for their own economic future throughout the pandemic period.

Collapse of consumer sentiment

Consumer sentiment is in free fall, already alarming in February. In fact, almost half of Italians think that in the next year the Italian economy will go badly, 65% are convinced that unemployment and the economic crisis will increase in the next 5 years and a third of Italians think that it is not a good time to make expensive purchases. . All elements that contribute to slowing the economy by influencing the propensity to consume.

A downward trend in the consumption of products with quality certifications (such as DOP and IGT) produced in Italy, while the consumption of Km0 products is increasing. An upward trend in organic consumption, after a slight decline in September 2020, affecting just under half of Italians.

Marked increase, compared to the first pandemic periods, in the consumption of dairy products coming from the areas first hit by the health emergency. Finally, ethnic products are also consumed more, perhaps another way of traveling?

Attention to animal welfare and sustainability

A stable trend, which affects more than half of citizens, is that of the consumption of food products that guarantee the welfare of animals.

Since February 2019, the number of Italians who regularly consume certified sustainable products has steadily increased, now reaching 36%.

These behaviors reflect the growing trend of awareness of environmental problems, but also demonstrate the still present gap between the values ​​of Italians and their behavior.

As regards the focus on palm oil-free food products, interest in these products remains stable. However, compared to the start of the pandemic (53%), the purchase of palm oil-free products has dropped (50%).

Demand for functional foods is growing

Compared to the beginning of the pandemic, the share of Italians declaring to have purchased enriched food products has increased by 10% - a stable growth which highlights the increase in the tendency to buy more "functional" products.

For Italians, food continues to be a means to seek greater well-being. The period of economic uncertainty, the reaction and the increase in prices does not affect the priority of putting health on the table: for almost 70% of Italians it is important that the food consumed is healthy, a trend significantly increasing since March last year . Behind this main driver we always find the attribute of naturalness and pleasantness (also slightly increasing since March last year). The importance given to respect for animals in the production of food consumed remains stable and affects more than half of the citizens.

50% of Italians believe it is important for a product to respect the environment, a slightly downward trend from September 2021 but still higher than in May 2020.

As well as a slight decline in the importance attributed to sustainable packaging, but which in any case remains a priority for 45% of Italians.

Despite a slight decrease, even if after a sharp increase, 1/3 considers it important that a food comes from a fair trade.

7 out of 10 Italians they declare themselves more aware of environmental problems: the highest peak since the beginning of the survey with an increase of 7%. However, this is only partially reflected in the behavior, in fact, as already seen in the importance attributed to sustainability in the purchase of food products, “only“ 40% of Italians avoided buying products because they are unsustainable. As is often the case, it is not easy to implement one's values ​​and opinions due to numerous barriers.

Among the Italians there are many good intentions for the future. 8 out of 10 citizens will pay attention to recycling and three quarters of them say they want to change their lifestyle to reduce waste. The reputation of the brands is confirmed more and more important: more than 60% of Italians will take them into account during the purchase, avoiding them if they carry a bad reputation. Lastly, the data on second-hand purchases, which in any case concerns a third of the Italian population, is interesting.

As early as February 2022, Italians intend to pay more attention to promotions and the origin of food. Probable sign of the effects of economic uncertainty and inflation.

In addition, they intend to eat more self-cooked foods, which is also cheaper, after a period of decline towards the end of the pandemic, when the intention to eat out more often returned.

Clear trend change: after a 5% decline, animal welfare becomes important for 12% of Italians more than in September 2021, a great sign of change.

On the other hand, the intention a prefer Italian restaurants and to buy from large-scale distribution


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