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The Media Partner Festival for Milk in Schools

Il Festival media partner per Latte nelle scuole

It ends these days "Milk in schools", the educational program to make milk known for children between the ages of 6 and 11 years attending primary and public primary schools in all Italian regions.

The program is promoted by the EU through the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies which has entrusted the organization to Unioncamere. The Festival of Food Journalism has joined as a media partner.


In Piedmont, 186 schools have joined the distribution of dairy products with the participation of 26.241 pupils distributed in 1.249 classes. Of these classes, 71 are those that have declared they want to join the visits to educational farms, farms and dairies with an estimate of potentially participating 6.947 students.

For the Turin area, the organization of educational and dissemination activities was entrusted by Unioncamere to the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, which organized the visits of the schools to the farms, the central of milk and dairies.

In the other territories the task was carried out by the company that won the tender for the distribution of dairy products and which had, among its objectives, also that of organizing visits.

In Turin and in the metropolitan area, the number of schools involved in visits is 11, for a total of 1.038 pupils and 125 teachers involved in the visits organized at six companies

Unfortunately, it was not possible to satisfy all the schools that had asked to join the visits because the allocated budget did not allow it, on the contrary, in the first instance the visits should have involved only 700 students, then it was possible to satisfy, in fact, beyond a thousand.

For each school the free distribution of milk-based products was on a weekly basis (for a maximum of three distributions per week) of food-grade milk; yogurt, fruit juices 100% of fruit, as an alternative snack for allergic pupils who cannot drink milk.

To discuss milk consumption among children and the effectiveness of school milk promotion, the Turin Chamber of Commerce Chemical Laboratory organizes the seminar "Milk, from field to table", on Wednesday 29 May 2019, from 9.15 to 13.30, at the Torino Incontra Congress Center in the Einaudi Room, via Nino Costa 8. The seminar will be moderated by the Festival's director, Massimiliano Borgia


Lingotto Congress Center
Via Nizza 280 - 10126 TURIN


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