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From florid to very thin, as the body that communicates food changes

Da florido a magrissimo, come cambia il corpo che comunica il cibo

From the housewife with apron to the make-up of foodbloggers. What is the right physical image to be credible on recipes and food recommendations?

By stopping to talk about light food and starting to talk about healthy food, the approach becomes profitable for man and also for the planet. Identifying oneself is the key word: those who communicate food today try to put the viewer at ease and make them identify. It is communicated through authentic, real situations, the message is: "I am like you". The evolution linked to food is summed up in these transformations: we have gone from hunger to abundance, from nature to culture, from diet by necessity to diet by choice, from real to virtual food. And the increase in possibilities has increased the meanings, behaviors, discourses about food.

In the communicative imagination, the woman who cooks, often does not eat, does it to feed, look after others. Man cooks by profession, his role refers to knowledge, man eats and judges.

It is necessary to regain the relationship with food, this is possible if we go back to cooking what we eat. This habit is disappearing. Cooking at home allows better control over what we eat, but also and above all to return to the origins and rediscover our food and culinary culture.


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