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The battle of labels: NutriScore against NutrInform

La battaglia delle etichette: NutriScore contro NutrInform

«Nutri - Score» against «NutrInform battery». The two types of (optional) product labeling, the first French and the second Italian, were compared in the panel on Thursday 20 February «the European battle of labels». Among the interventions there was that of Gaetana Ferri, Director of Food Safety of the Ministry of Health, who explained the Italian counter proposal. "It has been a long time since the Ministry with other scientific partners and producers has been working on NutrInform battery, battery labels - he explains -. The Italian proposal is based on clarity of information and portions, so that the consumer can build his own balanced diet. The French labeling system, on the other hand, does not help to understand the frequency of consumption of a food, and by assigning a certain color to the food (green, yellow and red), the consumer can be pushed to brand a food as good or bad, with consequent risks for health". It's still: "La Nutri - French Score, which relies on an algorithm, it does damage to the Mediterranean diet because many foods that underlie our culture and tradition are penalized». 


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