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Which diet to choose? A balanced diet is the answer

Quale dieta scegliere? Un regime alimentare bilanciato è la risposta

The correct information is health: a principle that always applies, both to deciding which diet to follow and to choose, as parents, a healthy diet for their children.

Veronesi Foundation and Istituto Danone Foundation brought their experience to the Food Journalism Festival to promote correct information to the public.

"Communicating nutrition is a complex phenomenon - underlined Chiara Segrè Head of Scientific Supervision of Fondazione Veronesi - which touches on lifestyle and personal intimacy". Which diet to choose? A balanced diet is the answer. We know this, but the information we are bombarded with often goes in various directions, spreading everything and the opposite of everything. You need to have the time and expertise to properly analyze and disseminate research results. Principles that apply in particular to the very delicate age in which an individual's state of health is built, early childhood. This is why Annamaria Castellazzi, from the Istituto Danone Foundation illustrated the new interactive app "NUTRIPEDIA - Information for growth" created by the experts of RIMMI (Milan Maternal and Child Inter-company Network) with the support of Fondazione Istituto Danone, which aims to combat fakenews by putting parents and experts in direct contact and offering a fast and reliable answer to doubts about early childhood nutrition.


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